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Recent Nursing Graduates Bundle

7 Courses
CNE: 5.25
CME: 3.00

This bundle of CNE courses is specially curated to help recent nursing graduates confidently transition into the clinical hospital environment. These courses will help equip new nursing staff members with essential skills in risk management and patient safety.


Included Courses Expiration Credits Price
Incident Reporting, Part 1: The Basics 06/17/2025 CNE: 0.50
Incident Reporting, Part 2: The Why and How 06/17/2025 CNE: 0.75
End of Life, Part 1: Fostering Discussions and Facilitating Preferences 02/03/2026 CME/CNE: 1.00
End of Life, Part 2: Patient Perspective 02/03/2026 CME/CNE: 0.50
Clinical Alarm Management and Alarm Fatigue 07/25/2026 CNE: 1.00
After an Adverse Event: Healing the Healer 10/17/2026 CME/CNE: 1.00
Healthcare-Associated Infections: Risks and Prevention 11/20/2026 CME/CNE: 0.50
Total: $788
Bundle Price: $100